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Office 365 SharePoint sites: Moving site contents from one site to another

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In our Office 365 SharePoint Online world, we all know that we have to ‘plan our sites and work our plan‘ to avoid any changes down the line that might affect the seamless functioning of our lists and libraries. Infact this is applicable to any version of SharePoint.

But, just like everything else in life, our sites too are subject to changes after being created.
Why? Maybe you planned wrong, or maybe your manager had some other plan, or maybe the team that you discussed your plan with had a long day an just nodded their heads during the discussion but realized later that your plan is flawed,  after you implemented the plan, or maybe its all of the above put together, in which case, good luck to you my friend! Get the coffee going.

Anyways, no worries. Good news is that, in Office 365 SharePoint Online(too) you can move
-Sites to other sites
-Site contents to other site contents
You can accomplish this with site manager page. Just go to your sharepoint site and append _layouts/sitemanager.aspx
You will be redirected to hierarchical tree structure view of your site with its contents.

Steps for the move:
– Goto site manager url: EG: https://your sharepoint site url/_layouts/15/sitemanager.aspx
– select the content you wish to move
– click on the down arrow of the content name, select Move
– In the Move..Webpage Dialog that pops up, select the destination to move the item you selected and click OK.

Moving site/ site content from one site to another
Moving site/ site content from one site to another

You can see that your content is moved to the destination.

As simple as that. But, use this with caution and this most definitely is not an excuse for designing/architecting a bad site. Good luck!

Swetha Sankaran, Microsoft MVP(2017-2020) | Gen AI enthusiast Avatar

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Hi! My name is Joan Smith, I’m a travel blogger from the UK and founder of Hevor. In this blog I share my adventures around the world and give you tips about hotels, restaurants, activities and destinations to visit. You can watch my videos or join my group tours that I organize to selected destinations. [Suggestion: You could use the Author Biography Block here]

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