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Employee Status Report using @MicrosoftFlow and #SharePoint online in #Office365

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Employees in a department/ team should submit a weekly status report to their team leads.

Schema of the list: 11-14-2016 9-49-06 AM.png

To setup a new Flow for this O365 SharePoint list, just click on ‘Flow’ and choose  ‘Create a flow’. If you have already attached a flow to the list, then obviously we go to ‘see’ our flows.

11-14-2016 9-57-57 AM.png

Note the URL 🙂 Its refreshing to see that its disconnected from sharepoint. Makes sense since we are now talking about connecting various ‘services’ and creating a workflow that flows through different apps and not restricted to one!

11-14-2016 9-59-13 AM.png

When you click on the flow, it’ll open the designer with all its actions and option to include dynamic items from our list/user profile. Easy enough!

If you want to redirect back to your item, you can

  • Get the URL of the list item(any of the item)
  • Include HTML anchor tag and insert the dynamic ID content form your list in place of the static ID for the item in your URL.
  • Set is HTML attribute to “Yes”.

Its interesting to not that the Yes gets changed to True once Flow is updated. Here is the Flow at a glance

Flow-Status Report.png

Now that the #MicrosoftFlow is setup, when a new item is created in a list, it gets my profile information, sends out an email to the user who initiated the workflow as well as the ‘Person or Group’ from Lead column in the list.

Result is the email below. Click here hyperlink is our custom link that takes us to the corresponding item view.11-14-2016 10-10-53 AM.png

There, your flow is now setup and running for users!




Swetha Sankaran, Microsoft MVP(2017-2020) | Gen AI enthusiast Avatar

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Hi! My name is Joan Smith, I’m a travel blogger from the UK and founder of Hevor. In this blog I share my adventures around the world and give you tips about hotels, restaurants, activities and destinations to visit. You can watch my videos or join my group tours that I organize to selected destinations. [Suggestion: You could use the Author Biography Block here]

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