seeker, learner, educator and paying it forward… in short – Jigyaasu

Category: Permissions

  • Hide site settings contents in #Office365 #SharePoint

    There are times when you want to empower your end users and enable them to do it all and there are times, when want to simplify work for your end-users and unclutter their views. Once such time is when you want to hide site settings contents from your SharePoint site. Be it online or on…

  • To let or not to let that is the question – apps and permissions in Office 365 SharePoint Online

    Quick tip for SharePoint Online site owners who are trying to decide what level of access should they(or should they?) give to site users. While it’s true that with the right level of access any Office 365 user can create an app with click of a button in SharePoint,  it’s very crucial to control what…

  • List GUID?! When in doubt, you DECODE!

    As much as I love using my SharePoint(online, offline, on-premise, on-cloud and everything else in between) sites, its lists, libraries…Ahem., apps and creating slick looking reporting solutions for anyone who is bored(aka moi) and wants to analyze the rows and rows of information gathered, I sometimes find very frustrated that my List name doesn’t work in…

  • SharePoint Online Suspended Workflow? Who broke it?

    Issue: You create a custom app with two step approval. Approver 1 approves then it emails a SharePoint group following which it assigns a task to a user in the group. The first step approval outcome and its task assignment works like a charm, but when it comes to notifying a SharePoint group, your workflow…

  • Office 365 SharePoint site permissions at a glance

    So, these are the various permissions available in SharePoint. A quick glance of course. Why? Because I believe this is easier(for me anyways) to look and stop freaking out when one entertains the thought that a visitor of their site modified their style template and deleted their custom pages(ahem.. I never do that btw!) So, there ya go! Trust…

  • Office 365 SharePoint Online: Student Accounts-Stop access to staff SharePoint site contents

    Office 365 with OneDrive are a great combination of tools to use for Collaboration. Especially in educational environments. Teachers and Students can collaborate on courseworks, homeworks, projects and students with their OneDrive can collaborate among their classmates on projects. Schools and colleges can use SharePoint Online’s Team site to create a space for Schools, Departments…

  • Office 365: SharePoint List Item Level Security

    How to set permission in list so that, the user who created the list item can see it and edit, the manager can see all and edit all but other team members should not be able to view the items created by other users. Solution: SharePoint List Settings -> Break inheritance if it is trickled down…

  • Can’t access ‘Site Actions’

    When you are the Farm administrator you would think you automatically have administrator access to all the ‘existing’ site collections, right? Wrong. You will be the admin for future site collections/ web applications. But for the existing ones, you’ll have to add yourself through Central Administration->Change site collection administrators and make yourself the primary/ secondary…

  • Customize your workflow email in SharePoint designer 2010

    Its fairly easy to customize the body of your workflow message in SharePoint designer 2010. Follow the steps mentioned below in this post. 1. Open SP designer 2010. Got to your ‘send email’ action. 2. Right click, properties, it’ll open a window for ‘Send an Email Properties’ 3. The last option there is for ‘Body’,…